Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Timeline- UPDATED 7/24/09

Here is a timeline of how Radiant Church is being born...
- In 2004, God gave some of our leadership a vision for planting a new church in the Northwest area of Greenville...specifically, the Furman area. The dream started with a specific piece of property (that we still may own one day!). The timing was not clear, nor were the leaders equipped.
-In August 2008, the senior pastor and some other leaders went to San Diego and saw church planting in action as part of a missions team for Elevate Church. God begin to stir in hearts the need for new works to draw more people to His kingdom.
-In Fall 2008, several leaders answered the call to church planting, but the location was unclear.
-On March 24, God woke up our senior pastor, Ricky Motes, with the verse 1 Cor. 2:9. He found freedom and hope knowing that God had great plans ahead. The rest of the team already knew that Ricky was called to lead this church, so it was no surprise when he shared this vision.
-After reading scriptures, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Simple Church, and Courageous Leadership, God finally began revealing His big picture for our lives. His voice was loud, the direction was clear, and dream was alive.
- The name "Radiant Church" was selected on April 8th. See the reason at www.radiantchurch.cc. Our discipleship process was decided with "Relevant, Relational, and Radical."
-On April 10th, we purchased our domain name and began the set up of our website, as well as set up our PO BOX and email accounts. We also received our EIN number from the IRS.
- On April 15th, our worship pastor and his wife came on board to serve at Radiant.
- On April 16th, Radiant Church became an official non-profit incorporation in the state of South Carolina, and we set up our first bank account. We decided on a local high school as our temporary location for the church launch.
- On April 17th, God provided state of the art sound equipment, lighting, and a trailer to use for portable church.
-On April 18th, an awesome friend designed our church logo that was selected to represent Radiant Church.
-On April 20th, another family was officially added to our launch team. This one family is gifted in music, media production, sound, marketing, counseling, and teaching of God's word. What a blessing!
- On April 24th, we finished our required bylaws. Thanks to Kevin and Chris for showing us that we didn't need to graduate law school to understand them!
-On April 25th, we selected our children and student logos. They look excellent!
-On April 29th, filed the Federal 1023 form for Federal non-profit form. WHAT A RELIEF!
-On April 29th, the ARC pre-application was completed.
-On May 3, we began planning a celebration in honor of our first baptism candidate.
-On May 10th, we had our first Vision meeting with 34 people in attendance. God is so good.

-On May 13th, Ricky had his phone interview with Association of Related Churches. The full application is now completed.
-We now have our children's curriculum planned out, thanks to Lifechurch.tv and their amazing generosity to see churches become equipped with topnotch materials.
-On May 18th, we discovered that we can't partner with ARC because they had already committed to helping launch another church in downtown Greenville. They had to turn down 2 other applications. That equates to GOD IS ON THE MOVE IN GREENVILLE! We are trusting "where God guides, He provides."
- On May 22, we signed the contract for our facilities lease. We will be launching from Berea High School. (The cool thing about this is that at least one member of each of the five core families graduated from this school. In fact, several of us prayed on this site during a DNow three years ago that "Jesus would be Lord over BHS" and never thought we would be planting a church there! Talk about going reaching our "Jerusalem" and then the rest of the world!
-Our Launch Date has been decided...September 13th! We will have a preview service on August 30th.
-On June 13th, we had our first baptism celebration.
-On June 28th, Brad Booher became the executive pastor of Radiant Church.
-On July 23rd, we received our letter from the IRS proclaiming us a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.

Pray for our leadership team about these things:
IT IS CRUNCH TIME! We are believing Him to provide. We need at least $15,000 to pay for some of the basic needs. Some of the major items that we still need to buy are the projection screen, projector, a laptop for Fellowship One, and a portable sound system for the kids area.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to Radiant Church!

Welcome to Radiant Church! We will keep you posted on the progress of our church plant as God guides us through this journey!