Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Year in Review

At the beginning of 2009, no one knew what God had in store for the people that make up Radiant Church. While the "idea" of Radiant Church was being formed, the vision was not alive and active as it is today. Only the Creator of the Universe could have designed the journey this year has been! Just looking back on all of the unbelievable events that have taken place since our launch on September 13, 2009 makes me stand in awe of His Power, Grace, and Mercy!
Here are some highlights of 2009-
-Our Vision meetings- looking back, those were precious moments in the development of our church. Gathering around with our core team and getting to form those bonds will forever be special memories!
-Launching with over 200 people and having the feeling of anticipation of dreams coming true.
- The salvation and/or baptisms of Liz, Kayla, John, John Walker, Jewell, James, Haley, Chandler, Chase, Steven, Brandi, Melanie, Cody, and Austin.
- Watching lives being changed and people recommitting their lives to the Lord week after week. - Forming the Life Group for Radiant Students and having Jonathan Garrett come on board as our Student Pastor. Having students SERVE at our church is such a blessing!
-Our first Fall Festival- even if it was rained out on the original date, it was awesome to get to have some of the neighbors from our community join us in the fun. Our games look AMAZING thanks to one of our awesome members.
-Our 1st Baby Dedication and committing to teach these precious children about Jesus.
-Having Radiant Kids beg to stay at church longer- we have AWESOME children that we get to love on, have fun with, and teach each week!
- Experiencing the miracle of Chris Hall's kidney transplant and how He has perfect timing.
- Radiant's 1st Wedding- having the privilege of seeing a man who was saved and baptized at our church remarry the mother of his children. A divorced couple restoring their marriage shows God's idea of Love!
-Giving away a car- Having a couple donate a car, repairmen donate labor to fix it up, being able to buy new brakes and tires, & see the appreciation from the wonderful couple who received it.
-Having a man visit Radiant from an invite card in his mailbox.
-Having a woman begin coming to Radiant because of a newspaper article on our Senior Pastor.
-Christmas Giveaways- being able to see TEENAGERS work and give their money to buy Christmas for a little boy that Santa wouldn't have been able to visit, giving gift cards to single moms, and helping families who were facing hard times reminded us of the root of Christmas.
-Donations from wonderful people who gave sacrificially and for God's provisions. God is faithful! -Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon- We have over 70 volunteers that serve in our various areas of ministry. We were able to honor them by going out to eat and giving away Walmart cards of $25, $50, and $100.
-Realizing that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Thank you Jesus for this incredible opportunity to make a difference in lives by being relevant, relational, and radical! If God can do all of this in 16 weeks of Radiant's existence, IMAGINE what He wants to do in the next 52 weeks! COME JOIN US!